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TEKNIK SIPIL INDONESIA (TSI) is an initiative for education, sharing, and learning about infrastructure world and sustainability which can be accessed anytime and anywhere.


The Establishment Story of TSI

The pandemic of COVID19 that impacts all human activities, including study and learning activities. The pandemic suddenly transforms all human activities become online systems. Because of that reason, we need to create a learning media or platform that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.


Regarding the condition, the Initiator of Teknik Sipil Indonesia was triggered to do something to facilitate the need for learning which was transformed to be online. On August 17, 2021, which coincides with the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. we were established Teknik Sipil Indonesia.


TSI was also established as a form of support for the Indonesian Government Program called "Merdeka Belajar".




Teknik Sipil Indonesia (tSI) merupakan sebuah inisiatif untuk berbagi dan belajar Dunia Infrastruktur dan keberlanjutan yang dapat diakses kapanpun dan dimanapun.


Cerita Tentang Lahirnya TSI

Melihat situasi pandemi Covid19 yang belum usai membuat seluruh aktifitas manusia terganggu, termasuk ativitas belajar & mengajar. Ada pandemi membuat seluruh kegiatan mengalami perubahan mendadak menjadi sistem daring (online). Oleh sebab itu, maka perlu dibuat sebuah media berbagi dan belajar yang dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun.


Melihat kondisi tersebut, Inisiator Teknik Sipil Indonesia tergerak untuk melakukan sebuah upaya untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan yang serba online tadi dengan menginisiasi dan membangun Teknik Sipil Indonesia (TSI) pada 17 Agustus 2021 bertepatan dengan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia. Teknik Sipil Indonesia juga terbentuk sebagai bentuk dukungan dari program Merdeka Belajar yang digagas oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

​Providing information and learning media related to Infrastructure and Sustainability for Better Indonesia.

Riyan Benny Sukmara (Benny)

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

He completed his Master's and Undergraduate degrees in Civil Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia.

Benny grew up in a humble family in Tanah Grogot, Indonesia. Currently, he also serve as a lecturer at one of the state universities in Balikpapan, named Institut Teknologi Kalimantan.

Ariyaningsih (Ayya)

Co-Founder and Chief Finance Officer

She completed Her Master's in Urban and Regional Planning from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya and the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. She received her Undergraduate degree from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya.

Ayya grew up in a humble family in Kediri, Indonesia. Currently, she is also a lecturer at one of the state universities in Balikpapan, named Institut Teknologi Kalimantan.

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